Originally Posted by anti fishstick
But it's interesting, for all of the sex talk i hear from other women, I have NEVER heard discussion of masturbation. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me? I think it seems more taboo among women to pleasure oneself, or to admit to it...
As is often the case, I think it depends on the woman. I have girl friends with whom I can talk very openly about masturbation--hey, I gave one of my best friends a vibrator for Christmas one year, since she was painfully single after a bad break-up that fall. She was overjoyed, and we joked about how she wore it out within a few months.
I have another good friend with whom I would never, ever discuss anything remotely close to the subject... she was alarmed enough to learn that I was having sex before marriage (she's very conservative in those aspects), so I didn't say anything more than that. I've been tempted to get her a vibrator, too... since god knows she needs to loosen up!... but have resisted temptation thus far, because it would make her so profoundly uncomfortable, she would probably never speak to me again.