i have a new group of friends in their mid thirties and they all love discussing sex! I am not offended by these discussions but I don't tend to join in. I still feel too inhibited, either socially, or just think i don't have as much experience as them, or both. but they all say i should look forward to sex in my thirties cos it gets better
i haven't had sex in over a month... I miss it, but I know lack of sex is just a symptom of something, and not the actual problem in a relationship. other than feeling inhibited to contribute, I love talking/hearing about sex! It's fun. I also love to masturbate. But it's interesting, for all of the sex talk i hear from other women, I have NEVER heard discussion of masturbation. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me? I think it seems more taboo among women to pleasure oneself, or to admit to it...