I'm listening to your gonna go far kid by the offspring and thus evoked me to write this. How many believe that the economy, oil prices, health, etc etc.. are all not working at optimum efficiency due to profit controlled organizations, to answer my earlier question, do I believe it, er.. I dont want to.....
Now people, I see it like this, we can fit a billion songs in the eye of a needle, genetics isn't that hard. Surely we can cure anything that is as widespread as HIV, we have a huge base of study, we can check to see how it affects different people, tailor and reverse engineer it specifically for the human being!!
There cant be so many people doing the exact same thing wrong!! I spoke to my aunts in Italy and Germany, I asked them if the physicians there knew what they were doing, they very confidently and enthusiastically replied yes. I swear this is not an excerpt from the movie sicko but my other doctor who was an Asian had somewhat of an idea that got me feeling better in two days. Which is probably what would have happened had I been back home in Kenya.
I'm going to go as far as sound almost narcissistic and ask why do people who sound like they've got more clout seem to know more about what they do?? You know, the cliche irrational prejudice, Asians study more, Germans are hard workers, the Europeans are better at everything else...(insert another pointless racial distinction here)...
I love USA, this country is where its at, seriously, I'm gonna be rich one day and it will be because I came to this country, but why for the love of God, doesn't everything work like it's supposed to, The only thing I see that has 100% satisfaction in returns is entertainment and arms, once again, yes, that's prejudiced, but I don't see anything making me a bit more confident, I don't just wanna be rich, I wanna change the world as well!!
Now, how the fuck do I do that???