Ever consider fractal ownership for this sort of thing? - There's a few where you'd actually own part of the house instead of some lameo pure timeshare group, and you can do the house trade sort of thing.
From an investment side of things, I know of one in Cancun that costs 6k up front, $200 a month for 5 years. 18k or so total with an option to purchase the property at 40k. The comps in the area sit around 100k, so whenever you exercise the option, you'd make roughly 60k base on the current rates. Not a bad run over 5 years, and you get usage of the place for vacationing. In relation to this thread, you can do the swap thing with timeshare groups willing to trade their vacation space with you. If you're just after the money, you can also rent out the place for cashflow purposes. I almost bought 3 of the houses outright, but I had some issues in January that killed my cash flow so I ended up passing on the deal for now.
-=[ Merlocke ]=-