there is DEFINITELY plenty of pve to be had in WAR. when my internet is running slow, i'll stop the pvp and go do some pve to keep my leveling going. and there's still always gear to be got in public quests (WAR's equivalent of instances, tho they are not instanced).
what's so cool about the PvE system in WAR tho is that if you see a public quest going down, you can hop right in and join the fight. If you contribute a lot, you get a MUCH higher chance of getting loot thanks to the really innovative INFLUENCE system. (basically the more you contribute, the higher you roll). it makes for a cool little side track when your side is getting rickrolled in the battlegrounds or makes for an innovative PvE experience if you're more of a raider/quester.
personally, i only do public quests once in a while since i left my raiding days behind with WoW(open beta, all pre-BC raids, all post BC raids and for the record Nef is the funnest fight they had yet to come up with, tho i did get to have my e-peen stroked hardcore as a SPriest on illidan :-P)
WAR: come for the PvP, stay for the lulz