Only the last, the trespasser. Our shop/farm is in the middle of nowhere, and I actually live above the shop. Someone who comes wandering up to a gunshop at 10pm reeking of tequila is either getting ready to rob you or is REALLY stupid. This one, thankfully, turned out to be the latter. I was walking around the property, carrying my weapon in the open: when I returned to the shop after checking fences this idiot (whom I'd never seen before) came out from behind the shop at a trot. Bear in mind this is at 10pm. After I impressed upon him the idiocy of what he'd done, I asked why he'd come in the first place.
"Aah jest wanned t'shee if you'uns wuz opun!"
Yeah, right, see if we're open at 10 o'clock at night.
I saw him off down the driveway on his lawnmower. Yes, lawnmower. Like most of the PWT around here, he's lost his license after being caught driving drunk/stoned/tweaking too many times, and so he gets around on a lawnmower.