Rock Band 2!
Alrighty folks.. the awesomeness that is Rock Band 2 has been released and you've had time to go get it and play it. What are your thoughts?
I, for one, absolutely LOVE IT. It's everything Rock Band 1 was, with a hell of a lot of great additions.
- Online Band World Tour? Check.
- Solo Band World Tour? Check.
- Freestyle mode (in which I put on any streaming music from my computer and drum along?) Check.
- Daily Challenges? Oh god check.
- Amazing setlist? Double check!
Seriously folks, if you're a fan of Rock Band 1, you're going to absolutely fall in love with Rock Band all over again with their next installment. Go, get it, now. You can thank me later.
As for you xbox360 users, if you want to rock out and/or form a band, I'm more than willing to start a TFP Band with some of you. Just look me up on xbox live. My username is DJ Wunder.