it seems to me like we already have laws that prohibit race-based interference in voting rights. What does that add? As you defined it, btw, caging would be simple verification of eligibility - give that some thought, I don't think that's what you want to enact into law. There would be no way to legally vet people moving away, people who die, people with multiple addresses. The opportunities for a Mayor Daley to send whole cemeteries full of people into the voting booths with no effective check would be enormous.
"Sir, why did you verifiy eligibility in this neighborhood and not htat one?" "I cna't verify every neighborhood, and I'm more worried about taht one becaues it's filled with my political adversaries." What's wrong with that? Assuming it's politically driven and not racially driven, that makes perfect sense, for either party. I get the feeling this whole issue would go away if substantial numbers of blacks started voting for Republicans, because then Democrats couldn't use race as a weapon.