Originally Posted by dc_dux
Tully...I agree it is a crime.
So is an elected official violating a state's open records laws. Using a private e-mail account for public business might very well fall in that category.
It could be, don't know anything about Alaska's laws on this issue. Given the number of people and my experience with small governments (city, county etc...) I wouldn't be surprised to find there is no law regarding this issue. Might be after this is all over though.
I find it rather interesting the McCain camps screaming partisan hatchet job while the fact is the vote to proceed with this investigation was done with a GOP majority. I smell crap.
But, everything about Palin smells to me. I keep thinking about the old Cheech and Chong bit-
"Hey, man, what is that?"
"I don't know,man, it looks like dog shit."
"Well, dude, what's it smell like?
"Dude!, it smells like dog shit."
"Well, what's it taste like?"
"Oh, man! This tastes like dog shit! Come on let's get outta here."
"Yeah, good thing we didn't step in it."
I'm hoping the US voters stop at "what's it smell like?"