Originally Posted by aceventura3
... You seem to suggest that the contributions are a corrupting influence, perhaps it is in some isolated cases. But I don't think it is the norm, do you?
Evidently Palin does....concerning both campaign contributions and the influence of lobbyists.
In Palin's latest interview (a softball interview with Sean Hannity), she was asked about political donations from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:
HANNITY: Should there be an investigation in terms of the relationship between the political donations and then of course the bankruptcy that ensued and the impact on the economy?
PALIN: I think that’s significant, but even more significant is the role that the lobbyists play in an issue like this also. And in that cronyism — it’s symptomatic of the greater problem that we see right now in Washington and that is just that acceptance of the status quo.
Now that made my laugh, but McCain may not have found it to be so funny.
One can only wonder if she is aware of the fact that at least 20 McCain-Palin campaign staff and/or fundraisers have lobbied on behalf of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (and others for AIG) in recent years.
Or that the finance sector is the biggest bundler of contributions to McCain ($30 million) as opposed to Obama ($13.5 million).