Originally Posted by genuinegirly
I long for the day that I can participate in open-ended political discussion without fear of ridicule or intimidation here on the TFP.
How do you feel about the "Pub" discussion format, btw? Did that help or not?
Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Perhaps if TFP expanded the Full Monty section to rival the titty board we would attract more gay men. Or if we added a safe haven for them similar to our Ladies' Lounge.
Well, thing is, Full Monty doesn't just expand on its own... it depends on the people who are finding material and posting there. If no one is interested in the material, then it can't expand, unfortunately. I remember Nancy (an old member, now gone, unfortunately) used to be one of the best posters around there... I miss that, but I must admit that I'm not terribly into looking at male bodies in still photos, so there isn't a lot of motivation for me to post there, either.
As for the safe haven... that's something that came up in the earlier threads... but no one from that community has ever asked for one, apparently (to my knowledge). I think someone else said it best in those threads by pointing out that TFP is "rampantly heterosexual" (or at least, heteronormative--meaning, the majority of members here operate on the assumption that "hetero = normal," especially with males, and that all others are the exception--not least because the great majority of the porn is for hetero men, which already biases the draw of new members here). Again, I don't know how we can change that... I think perhaps lesbians and bisexuals feel okay here (at least, I hope so)... but gay men, I still think they don't stick around for long here, unfortunately.