Depending on what version of my dull, tired, outmoded moniker I use I get:
Soup Landmine Palin
Copper Catfish Palin or
Mustache Warthog Palin
Now that last one needs some lipstick, and the second one is almost sensical in a strange, euphonic, bizzarro world sort of a way, but that first one, when I think of myself with that name, then a broadway musical of Fargo souds like a good idea and McCain really does have the chops to regulate the financial industry, so from now on, you may refer to me as Soup.
-----Added 17/9/2008 at 03 : 54 : 49-----
Mrs. Hat is Axe Diesel Palin.
Barak Obama would be Wood Corps Palin, married to Tarp Lazer Palin, with Beans Harpoon Palin as his running mate.
Geroge Walker Bush: Nam Guadalupe Palin (One way or the other, boy, you're going to Nam.)
Ronald Reagan, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be: Shot Corrugated Palin.