Originally Posted by abaya
Oh, darn those Pseudo- Intellectuals In DC! Always fouling things up for Average Folk, aren't they?
God forbid that intelligence and critical thinking skills should play a part in someone becoming president or vice-president of the United States of America.
Clearly, Democrats who have any kind of IQ should not even bother running, because it doesn't get them anywhere with the average population. Really, the Democrats shoot too high, that's their problem. People can't take anything Above Average in this country, after all.
I think some of our greatest leaders have been people who are or were extremely intelligent. The problem is with people who think they are smarter than others, true or not. For example I personally think Al Gore thinks he is smarter than the average American and I think he is wrong. I find it ironic that "smart" people get defeated by "dumb" people like Bush and Reagan. Perhaps, the bottom line is that those people are not as smart as they think they are.
Now we have Obama, who talked about Clarance Thomas' lack of intellect. And we have Biden who told a person the he thought he was smarter than he was. There is a pattern of this that irritates me. Pretty condescending, isn't it?
Now, about honesty. Really? We're talking about politicians, here. None of them can be honest, it's just part of the job. But talking about any kind of foreign policy from the perspective of being able to "see Russia from here!"... yeah. I just can't even fathom how that begins to appeal to anyone, but obviously I am one of those meddling elites, right?
Well, that's fine. I'll go sit in my Elite Chair now and read some Elite News and have some Elite Dinner, and give my Elite Nerves a break before an Elite Screw comes loose.
/done here for a while.
I disagree. I thought Bush was honest. I have no idea how people say they were surprised by his actions as President. When he ran for reelection he said he was going to "stay the course" in Iraq. He said he was going to do whatever needed to be done to keep the nation safe - hence Gitmo, wiretapes, extreme questioning of terrorists, etc. He selected Chaney as his VP - he wrote the book on Executive Power, hence the fights with Congress on the issue. Etc. Etc. Etc. No surprises and he did what he said he was going to do.