Originally Posted by dc_dux
The whole "drill, baby, drill" debate has been a sham....from the Republican 15-day show on the House floor during the latest recess to this Democratic bill.
Under any circumstances, new OCS drilling will have no impact for at least 20 years, and even then, the impact on supply and price will be marginal.
One provisions I like in this Democratic bill is that it ends the waiver on lease payments by big oil for drilling on public lands and the OCS....and commits that money to developing alternatives. But Bush will never sign a bill with that provision, even if were to pass through the Senate.
If true (the sham part), why would a company pay real money for the rights to drill?
If true will the real money paid not have an impact on state and federal budgets?
If true (the 20 years part), should that be the reason not to do it?
If true should we confiscate the OCS crystal ball and use it for other things, since we must assume they are going to be dead on accurate?
O.k. no more rhetorical questions. The opposite of drilling must be true. Not drilling will solve our problems.