Originally Posted by hiredgun
With respect, Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review. He is at least extremely intelligent. Palin, by contrast, seems frightening uninformed on a host of important issues. Their governing experience may be comparable, but at least concede that much.
I once inherited a team of "technical professionals", some with multiple degrees, some self taught. Out of the two Ph.D's I had working for me, one was brilliant, grounded, and highly productive... the other brilliant, but had no work ethic as applied to the business at hand, essentially worthless and hard to get rid of. I had a few with graduate degrees that were very productive and innovative, some were marginal at best. One of my best team members had no formal training and had worked his way to a leadership position.
Obama is highly intelligent and "well schooled", but appears to be less interested in the jobs he's had than promoting himself. His actual time spent on the job and his sad record of productivity would get him fired in a "real job". He's great at running for president.
In contrast, Sara Palin is a hard worker that appears to take serious anything she has done. She is earthy, she didn't go to the best schools, she wasn't an editor of an elitist ivy-league publication, she wasn't running for the next office the day after being elected as mayor or governor, she hasn't written 2 memoirs while having the lowest attendance and voting record in the first 2 years on the job, she has been responsible to her constituents.
Yes Palin is a political lightweight, but even more so if you value scholastic and political window-dressing over substance. Obama is the guy with all the degrees on his fluff resume that shows up and goofs off, perhaps writing more memoirs, and you're stuck with him until you can find a way to can his ass. Palin is a worker, sharp, a quick study, and apparently somewhat effective. You're not fooling anyone by saying she's not intelligent, that's just baseless schoolyard trash-talk.
So are either "ready" for the office of the presidency? Sure, why not. But it's Obama vs. McCain and all the focus is on comparing Obama to Palin. That's a huge problem for the golden boy who doesn't seem to be able to close the deal. Fluff.