Mellu, thanks for chiming in with this. I'll admit that I've unfairly dismissed the cotton pads as yucky, but I could see using them if I ever had some physical condition preventing me from using the DivaCup. I'm right there with you on the ritual thing, and it's something that I've discovered going from disposables to reusable. I don't think it's unique to washable pads in that way.
This feels to me a bit like the arguments between luddites and the technocrats (or whatever you want to call them). I am all for progress, but like everything in life, I think people should be educated in the history of the technology we use and make efforts to maintain the more valuable things associated with the old way of doing things. I am not sure what issues are involved with internal methods other than being absorbent or leaching chemicals into us (which are not issues with the cup), but I greatly appreciate being able to wear the tight pants or skirt I might wear on any other day, or to be able to go running or cycling or to karate class without the insecurity of a cloth pad pressed against me by my underwear. Those old tampon commercials had the right idea on that front at least... you can go swimming and horse-back riding, etc. Living an active lifestyle is difficult worrying about that pad and the odor that makes its way out if you move in such a way as to break contact with the pad for a moment and let air hit it.
I'm just curious, you say "I don't think anything belongs up there but a weenie and a baby, but again, that's me." Do you mean that in the way that some people simply don't like seafood ('I don't eat anything that's been in the ocean') or is there some other negative consequence that I haven't heard of?
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
(Michael Jordan)