Originally Posted by aceventura3
Actually, I understood Rev. Wright. I understood his style and his point. I thought the media attack was unfair, out of context and over the top.
A person's religion is a private matter, in my opinion. I also think what a person does at a bar at 3 a.m. is a private matter as long as they are not breaking the law. Video cameras should not be at either location.
I am consistent that way, but that is just me. I find it ironic how Democrats make an argument against Republicans and then we find they are guilty of the same thing.
I think people need to understand: "Politicians...are not 'superpeople' and we all have ties that we probably dont' want or need". so i went to a church that was crazy...who cares. I have a friend of a friend of a friend who did ____. I was 8 and a community leader later turned out to be john wayne gayce, ..seriously, who cares. I didn't do those things. Heck, half of my first grade class is in jail, the other half are lawyers, who do you think the media would link me to....
Personally, i go with teh issues and how i think the person will represent themselves and my beliefs and I agreed with mccain in 2000....but after seeing what he's done and how he's proven he'll swing with the wind...f that..then the palin nomination..definitle F that, so obama has my vote and then some..
Oh, and this just in..After agreeing to cooperate with the investigation into troopergate (why is everything a gate, be original)...her loyal Attorney general....stated that state employees will not honor subpoenas....
and harry, i WHOLEHEARTEDLY aagree with the 527 group. They can say and do anything, can be linked to either party wholeheartedly and they are absolutely unaccountable. absolute bullhockey.