Originally Posted by ratbastid
Well, look, even if I were, for the sake of this post, to stipulate that their level of qualification is identical, there's unqualified and intelligent and willing to listen to differing positions and be a force for unification in the world, and then there's unqualified and uninformed and stupid and uninterested in positions other than her own and wanting to be a continuation of the imperial presidency we've lived in for eight years.
In other words: it's not the experience that she really fails at.
I understand your passion, but is what you've stated really accurate? Being passionate is one thing, but this tone in regard to Palin seems to perforate the current pro-Obama rhetoric. It's unseemly and reactionary, and appears more off-topic, trending toward less unifying or intellectual tones of his earlier message. The old Rove strategy to never accuse your opponent of your own weaknesses comes to mind in this case. The more his campaign slugs it out in the mud wars, Obama is looking less and less like the statesman above the frey that often he claims to be.