Originally Posted by ratbastid
Who, Palin? That's not my read.
My read is, there were a WHOLE lot of Republicans who were downright DESPERATE for a reason to get behind McCain, but it wasn't going to be McCain himself. So the campaign found a charismatic, attractive, VERY conservative woman, and stuck her on the ticket. Now those who would have held their nose as they voted for McCain have something to rally around--no matter how in-denial they are about the woman's qualifications, positions, and intellect. The support for her is blind, unthinking, and brittle to assault. I believe that's what we're seeing.
I think her support is blind and unthinking, doesn't mean she's not playing well in middle America. IMHO, far too many voters cast their ballot for BS reasons and not on the issues. For what ever reason many people vote for someone they see as the common man/woman. Someone they see as an everyday person just like themselves. Personally I don't want a common person running the country. I want some one way smarter then the common everyday guy on the street type person. And yes, I've heard this argument somewhere else (Stewart, Carlin, Maher?) not trying to steal their thoughts, just agreeing with them.