Originally Posted by Tully Mars
And why not this has worked well for them for about the last 8 years.
Yes, and you know what the difference is? The media isn't buying it this time. Yesterday FOX MOTHERFUCKING NEWS called out a McCain surrogate for lies about the Obama tax plan. The media were complicit in the lies of the Bush campaign and administration, and this time they've picked a different pony.
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Sad thing is the McCain that ran in 2000 and even supported Bush in '04 doesn't sound anything like the McCain of today. I seriously considering voting for him until he started shifting and pandering to the GOP base. I find it seriously not funny he still claims to be some maverick.
Yep. Back in 2000 I said that if McCain ever got nominated I'd have a VERY hard time voting. Turns out most decidedly not to be the case.