Wanted: More TFP Moderators!
Hey there TFP! I wanted to let you all know that from way up here, things are looking good. We're seeing more average daily activity recently than in the recent past, so that means we're getting better. We've got a few policy changes as well as a lot of new features, so I hope everyone is enjoying their time.
We are looking for a few more moderators to fill out our ranks. The moderator job description has changed recently from an enforcer position to more of a community leader position. We're looking for users who can remain active on the boards and continuously work to improve the site through leadership-by-example. We want people who can participate in policy discussions and activity planning. We want people with a lot of energy and passion for nurturing a great community.
Here is what is expected of a moderator:
1. Create new content on the forum: post articles, essays, stories, opinions, creative works and discussion pieces.
Frequency: At least 3 times a week.
2. Moderating debates by redirecting wayward discussion, dispensing advice, and in the worst cases, using moderator announcements.
Frequency: Scan the board for opportunities every day.
Protocol: If one moderator has taken action in a thread, you may participate in the thread only as a member. Emphasize maturity in all actions. Big problems may be escalated to an administrator.
3. Cleaning up spam, multiple log-ins, and duplicate threads.
Frequency: Scan the board for opportunities every day.
4. Participate in board policy and activity discussions in moderator forums.
Frequency: Scan the board for opportunities every day.
Protocol: Take initiative to start a discussion if one is not already taking place. Maintain mature discussion guidelines.
5. Guide and organize forum activities. This includes polls, posting themes, and games.
Frequency: Forum activities should be either weekly or monthly programs. Participate as often as activities are scheduled.
1. Increase the rate of member participation.
How to accomplish: Create more opportunities for participation. Create comfortable environment for discussion and sharing. Take initiative to share first.
2. Increase standard of posting maturity and intelligence.
How to accomplish: Challenge users to create quality posts. Hold yourself up to higher standards than others. Exercise patience when responding to discussion.
3. Increase donations.
How to accomplish: Contribute to overall quality of forum. Maintain good personal standing with members. Remind users that donations are needed.
If you'd like to apply to become a TFP moderator, please send me a PM with the following info: (as with all applications, please take your time to give us good answers)
Real Name:
Tell us about yourself:
How often do you browse the TFP?:
Why do you want to be a moderator?:
What does the TFP mean to you?:
If you had the power, what is the first thing you'd change about the TFP?:
What's the second thing?:
What early 90's hip-hop song best exemplifies your personality?: