Originally Posted by MexicanOnABike
Itune is not the problem. Its the fact that I have to install a propriatary software before I can see what's on my device. Its the reason why I haven't touched ipods since now. I like just going in Explorer and drag&dropping files. That is all.
Merleniau: Do you ever use your ipods to view videos? How's the experience overall?
My Nano is the only one able to view videos.. and I've only done it a couple of times. The new Nano or a normal iPod would be better to view video (larger screen), but even on mine it's fine. The color and refresh time is really good. I prefer to use my media players for music, though -- I can't really watch a video and run at the same time. I'm not coordinated enough for that.
If I get a new Nano, though, you can bet I'm going to try to find some way to load some of my favorite TV shows on there. That's got to be great when on an exercise bike or something.