Originally Posted by ratbastid
I think it's transparent that the "one woman is as good as an other" Palin selection highlights the fundamental sexism of the McCain campaign and the old-guard GOP in general.
Biden was being diplomatic. He's the pick. He's abundantly qualified. Now you watch--lesser "gaffes" have been pounced on (or invented wholesale) by the McCain campaign. They'll ignore this one because it doesn't play to the sexism narrative they're trying to hump these days.
If you consider the selection of Palin to be sexism, then unless you are extremely hypocritical, you MUST consider affirmative action to be racist.
-----Added 13/9/2008 at 04 : 24 : 19-----
Originally Posted by smooth
I know many hard-core Repblicans who despise McCain. They and others despise Bush as well, because his abhorrent spending policies remind them of Democratic practices. McCain's choice of Palin was very clever, because it brought many of the above back into the fold, and took a stab at the female vote.
I can think of no other choice that would have energized his campaign nearly as much.