The question was about nuisance, not rudeness. They are different from each other.
As far as the nuisance part is concerned I had been on both sides. We during college use to go to theatres and create hell a lot of chorus, whistles and even dance during songs. We do that for the whole song if we liked the song, if it is a folk song with good music etc (in my country each movie on average has 5 songs). Also my friends pass comments for which even audience laugh. There were one instance when the theatre people walked in and asked us to be quiet. We became quiet.
As a citizen now when I watch movies with family, the same thing bothers me some times(Karma

). How ever I tolerate as much possible. After few instances I speak up very polite. But I dont know I never complain to the management.
Regarding rudeness, I am an animal. Theatre or where ever, I size up the people, the area, people with me, etc and act appropriately. The other day I scared the hell out of a guy trying to attract (disturbing) a malabar squirrel in zoo to take pictures.