So, no one else finds ANY ad/slogan/etc from ANYONE offensive or desperate or great?
No one else would like to share the ad/slogan/etc that plays on their emotions?
Instead we have posts talking about the ad I posted, which was not what I wanted.
I vented my feelings on one, I explained what I was doing.
As for those who say I constantly put down Obama, how many Palin threads are there, "It's like some bad Disney movie" and so on.
Yet, this thread is NOT designed to focus on any ONE candidate, it's here for anyone in TFP to voice their opinion and feelings about an ad/slogan/etc used y one of the candidates.
Talk about an Obama ad that you think is underrated and will help his campaign, something from McCain that gets to you. Let's see your opinions, feelings and open up..... don't just attack the first thread and say "See you just like to attack Obama"..... That is not what this thread is about.
This is one reason I don't even listen to Obama people..... I'll say one thing offer them a chance to rebut or give their opinion and all they do is talk about how much I hate Obama. They offer no other opinions, they don't talk about their feelings, the emotional side of them that is deciding whom to vote for.... no it's all about that Obama attack they perceived they saw.
The above wasn't even really an attack on Obama.... it was an attack on a slogan that was started on the web and picked up and is now used by even people in elected office as support for Obama. I voiced an opinion on that.
-----Added 13/9/2008 at 02 : 05 : 32-----
Originally Posted by Seaver
That quote puts whoever said it (or whoever supports it) into the same area in my mind as those Bush=Hitler people.
In short it's people who lack the comprehension of their own beliefs and the lack of intelligence to cohesively stipulate their argument in the face of opposing viewpoints and facts that fall back on this as a crutch.
I agree with this. And it works both ways. Unfortunately, the Obama camp wants to constantly play victim and talk about how they are attacked.
I am no fan of Bush, but I do give the man credit in that when he was compared to Hitler and people were pushing all this hatred at him {myself included} he never truly acknowledged it and let it sway him from what message he had. I disagree with him on many levels but he has my respect in that area.