Originally Posted by loquitur
smooth, the US isn't the first country to have people in their 70s or even 80s in office, run for office. The point isn't generalizable from the small data set you're considering. I agree that Reagan was showing signs of Alzheimer's setting in toward the end of his second term, but surely you know that aging is highly idiosyncratic. McCain's mother is 96 y.o. and still very vigorous. In fact, (under the heading of "hilarious stuff") I saw a posting somewhere (I forget where) with the title "who is older?" Underneath were two pictures - McCain's 96-y.o.-mother and Keith Richards. And McCain's mom looked much better.
-----Added 12/9/2008 at 11 : 19 : 49-----
Oh, and ASU, if you read through the rest of her comments, she actually was careful not to commit to a military approach, only that it shouldn't be off the table. I'll grant you that she isn't fluid yet on foreign policy, and that she was to a large extent spitting back stuff she had memorized.
I didn't make a general argument for or against people in their 70s running for office. I merely questioned why pan would use Reagan's second term as evidence for not being concerned about a 73 year old president. Given the problems associated with Reagan's health during his second term, it undermines his position rather than supporting it.
If someone wanted to make a persuasive argument for not using mcCain's age and health problems against him, I'd suggest using one of the 70+ leaders from another country that you're referring to rather than Reagan's second term.
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Last edited by smooth; 09-12-2008 at 01:53 PM..