ASU2003, that sounds like the most likely kind of experiment to have been carried out. Even if the prostitutes were willing, I imagine legally it would be complicated to even be allowed to carry out tests through subjecting the actual women to HIV exposure.
This sounds really interesting, and I hope it does provide the world with a way to combat HIV soon. As for 5 years...I still believe that's wishful thinking. These things take years to develop, then another few years to test, then some more to be available, and then yet more to be affordable.
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.
Fernando Pessoa, 1918