ace....I generally read your WSJ and IBD editorials (or op eds) for the infotainment value.
They are marginally informative and, on occasion, entertaining for the simple fact that they represent the opinion of a writer with an agenda (applies to most editorials and op eds, not just WSJ and IBD).
The ones you post often give me insight into the conservative position by presenting only the facts that support that agenda, excluding any facts that dont. Whch is why you rarely see me post or cite editorials as factual.
So when you post such editorials that cherrypick the facts...yet try to make a case that it as factual (like your post 127 - "
Let's not let facts get in the way of a good story or empty political rhetoric. Please carry on.") is like asking the TFP audience to view a half painted picture and accept your position that it is a masterpiece.
Nope...for me it is conservative infotainment, pure and simple....not a source for the objective reporting of facts.
-----Added 11/9/2008 at 03 : 40 : 05-----
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Again, I ask - does Obama really want to take the bait on this issue and make it front and center in the news cycle, in the debates, etc. I would think not.
Sure he can...simply point to McCain's vote against the first ethics/earmark.lobbying bill enacted in more than 10 years and supported by 35 of McCain's Republican colleagues in the Senate.
And also point to the more than 100 lobbyists in the McCain inner circle or finance "bundlers"...including many who lobbyied for foregin governments, telecomms, big oil, etc.
In McCain's case, the fact that lobbyists are essentially running his presidential campaign -- most of them as volunteers -- seems to some people to be at odds with his anti-lobbying rhetoric. "He has a closer relationship with lobbyists than he lets on," said Melanie Sloan of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. "The problem for McCain being so closely associated with lobbyists is that he's the candidate most closely associated with attacking lobbyists."
Public Citizen, a group that monitors campaign fundraising, has found that McCain has more bundlers -- people who gather checks from networks of friends and associates -- from the lobbying community than any other presidential candidate from either party.
By the group's current count, McCain has at least 59 federal lobbyists raising money for his campaign....
The Anti-Lobbyist, Advised by Lobbyists
I'm not suggesting that Obama is clean on this issue (pan already pointed out his connection to Biden's lobbyist son), but he has far less lobbyists grime on his hands than McCain, by any measure.
He can also make the point, supported by a more complete review of the facts than in the DeMint WSJ editorial, that Palin has spent more of her political career (state and local) fighting for earmarks then against them.