Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I have a brother sister pair that live around the corner from me, they're from Florida originally. They watch "Pray TV" nearly no stop. They're convinced Obama is the devil and someone should "take him out." Why? Well mainly because Obama is a Muslim who really wants to increase the number of abortions in the US thus reducing the population. That will make it easier for the Godless Muslims to take over the US. You think these two came up with this on their own or is it possible the smiling TV preachers they watch spoon fed them this crap?
Mother. Of. God.
Jesus, please save me from your followers... (yes, yes, you all know that I don't think all Christians are that way--but seriously, WTF?)
Originally Posted by guyy
one embittered and racist Clinton supporter who claims to be impressed by Palin.
These are the people who, quite frankly, freak me the fuck out about the outcome of this election. And I'm afraid that there are far more of them than we even hesitate to believe are out there.