Originally Posted by Tophat665
Here's the tank I set up in Mrs. Hat's classroom
Denizens: A dozen or so neons. A handful of platies. About 8 pygmy cories and 5 albino bronze cory fry, and a clown pleco.
And the big tank in my family room (Pardon the photoshop framing - I sometimes use this for wallpaper)
This one has 2 blue gouramis (a male opaline and a female gold), 5 Yoyo Loaches, 8 Striped Loaches, 2 Myers Loaches (Giant Khulis), 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, 2 Cherry Barbs, and 10 Harlequins.
I had a 20 gallon tank with barbs and tetras, but never with this much greenary! Hope to get back to the hobby soon. Thanks for the pictures