Originally Posted by ions_
Not a "true metal head" (thanks god) but some bands to my liking are: Opeth (probably one of my fav bands of all time) Strapping Young Lad, Kill Switch Engage, Protest the hero, Dillinger Escape Plan, Cog..
Nice, I've been listening to a lot of Dillinger and Protest the Hero. Mostly Ire Works and Kezia.
Some suggestions...
Dysrhythmia - Barriers and Passages Energetic instrumental rock/metal. Quite technical, lots of time signature changes, but still very listenable.
Om - Pilgrimage Experimental metal band. Their music is based on Tibetan chanting. They use only drums, bass and vocals. Their lyrics are... out there.
Rosetta - Wake/Lift Incredibly atmospheric post-metal. Their first album is also great, but it's actually two discs (one heavy and one ambient) that are meant to be played together. Thanks to this silly trick, finding a decent combined version can be difficult.