Originally Posted by World's King
I don’t know… maybe I’m just getting older and can no longer identify with youth culture. But for fuck sake… I’m only 27. I shouldn’t be pissed off about all this for another 4-5 years.
Yup. This is the way it is man, and it's not going to get easier. I started having to resist femmes at about the age of 20, hit a few years of the same, then got myself tangled up in a couple of long term relationships til about your age, sir.
Where'd they go? It used to be easy? Wha? Wha? Wha?
FF a few years, a few femmes, but nothing remotely like the heyday.
Maybe we need to form a support group for single men who wear belts.
-----Added 10/9/2008 at 02 : 18 : 17-----
Originally Posted by lotsofmagnets
to say that the majority of women your age are stuck-up and boring is a bit of a rich statement to make and i´d really be surprised if you actually believed that yourself. it sounds just like an excuse to date younger women. been there done that and won´t be going back for 2nds. the women i know around my age are fun. perhaps we just move in different social circles 
Dude. You're in iceland.
Scandinavian lasses are... different.
*ponders going back to Finland for the 99999999999th time*