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Old 09-10-2008, 05:37 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: North Carolina
The rhthym method is old and unreliable. What streep is referring to is probably the sympto thermal method, which is taught in the practice of "Natural Family Planning" which my wife and I practice. My wife is very fertile, we conceived immediately both times we tried. From our experience (and the data supports it) using the sympto thermal method is very effective. The hard part is actually practicing it, it requires learning, discipline (taking temperature every morning), and abstinence during fertile or unsure times. The other hard part is that from our experience, a woman is most "horny" when thy ARE fertile. The bad news is that I'm not sure this can be combined with the pill, as the pill affects your hormones which the sympto thermal method essentially monitors thereby determining where you are in your cycle. Read up on it, it might still be for you.
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Symptothermal Method of NFP - Natural Family Planning Program
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