Originally Posted by Willravel
There are two directions to go with time travel: science fiction or fantasy. Fantasy is a lot easier, but it's less challenging to the reader and writer, so I'll assume you're going with science.
There are several schools of thought on time travel: .....
3) Quantum theory. Quantum theory is crazy. Even with the recent introduction of M theory, it's still a big mess that we barely understand. One of the most fascinating aspects of quantum theory is the instantaneous transfer of information. This information clearly moves much faster than light, and as such could theoretically, when applied to #2, move outside of time. When we develop a better understanding of this process, we may be able to harness it, but for the time being it's probably far to complex to be used without some artistic license. Also, considering the rate at which this particular area of science is growing, it's possible that your writing's science may become obsolete quickly. ...
| comments are not an endorsement, a solicitation, or an invitation to experiment with any controlled substance/hallucinogencis.
35 years ago, I spent a number of months intensely contemplating the concept of reality and by extension, the meaning of life. This process of discovery, as a rite of passage, seems to have fallen out of favor, but it seemed the most important pursuit, back then. Some I knew were influenced by these inquiries to become deeply religious, but I ended up with an impatience driven curiousity......
I'll throw out a few things to consider..... I don't think you have to physically travel to experience the past or the future, I suspect it coexists in "our world". I don't know if any of this will help with a plot for a story, but I have been impressed with what has come from the Edgar Cayce trance state transcripts, and I visited the Cayce research center in Virginia Beach, 3 years ago.
One of my greatest frustrations is that, in our society, we don't even examine or contemplate our true potential, let alone attempt to "live up to it"...... Maybe this new CERN LHC, slated to come online, this week, will offer up more clues....
Akashic Records - Edgar Cayce - Readings
Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity's ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God's book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity's application of self towards that which is the ideal manner for the use of time, opportunity and the expression of that for which each soul enters a material manifestation. The interpretation then as drawn here is with the desire and hope that, in opening this for the entity, the experience may be one of helpfulness and hopefulness.
Edgar Cayce reading 1650-1
The Field: The Quest for the Secret ... - Google Book Search
....was one of a growing number of scientists trying to get some measure of the nature of human consciousness in the wake of the questions posed by quantum phsyics and the observer effect. If the human observer settled an electron into a set state, to what extent did he or she influence reality on a large scale? The observer effect suggested that reality only emerged from a primordial soup like the Zero Point Field with the involvement of living consciousness. The logical conclusion was that the physical world only existed in its concrete state while we were involved in it. Indeed, Schmidt wondered, was it true that nothing existed independenlty of our perception of it?
A Princeton Lab on ESP Plans to Close Its Doors - New York Times
A Princeton Lab on ESP Plans to Close Its Doors
Published: February 10, 2007
...Dr. Jahn, one of the world’s foremost experts on jet propulsion, defied the system. He relied not on university or government money but on private donations — more than $10 million over the years, he estimated. The first and most generous donor was his friend James S. McDonnell, a founder of the McDonnell Douglas Corporation......
...In one of PEAR’s standard experiments, the study participant would sit in front of an electronic box the size of a toaster oven, which flashed a random series of numbers just above and just below 100. Staff members instructed the person to simply “think high” or “think low” and watch the display. After thousands of repetitions — the equivalent of coin flips — the researchers looked for differences between the machine’s output and random chance.
Analyzing data from such trials, the PEAR team concluded that people could alter the behavior of these machines very slightly, changing about 2 or 3 flips out of 10,000. If the human mind could alter the behavior of such a machine, Dr. Jahn argued, then thought could bring about changes in many other areas of life — helping to heal disease, for instance, in oneself and others....
....Several expert panels examined PEAR’s methods over the years, looking for irregularities, but did not find sufficient reasons to interrupt the work. In the 1980s and 1990s, PEAR published more than 60 research reports, most appearing in the journal of the Society for Scientific Exploration, a group devoted to the study of topics outside the scientific mainstream. Dr. Jahn and Ms. Dunne are officers in the society.......
After a Short Delay, Quantum Mechanics Becomes Even Weirder -- Cho 2007 (216): 4 -- ScienceNOW
After a Short Delay, Quantum Mechanics Becomes Even Weirder
By Adrian Cho
ScienceNOW Daily News
16 February 2007
According to quantum mechanics, light can be either a graceful rippling wave or a hail of bulletlike particles, depending on how you look at it. Now, an experiment shows that an observer can make the choice retroactively, after light has entered a measuring apparatus. The result shows that reality is truly in the eye of the beholder....
...If the second splitter was on, interference between the two pieces directed the recombined wave of probability toward one or the other of two detectors, depending on the difference in the path lengths. If the second beam splitter was turned off so the waves couldn't recombine, then the photon took one path or the other with 50-50 probability, and equal numbers of photons reached detectors. The results, reported this week in Science, prove that the photon does not decide whether to behave like a particle or a wave when it hits the first beam splitter, Roch says. Rather, the experimenter decides only later, when he decides whether to put in the second beam splitter. In a sense, at that moment, he chooses his reality....
On September 10, a first beam of protons will circulate in the LHC. This will be an exciting time for the CERN staff..
LHC 2008
Secret dimensions
CERN - Secret dimensions
Last edited by host; 09-08-2008 at 07:08 PM..