So it does or does not still work on other computers? I'm not sure I understand where the problem stands.
-----Added 8/9/2008 at 01 : 58 : 15-----
Originally Posted by ngdawg
Sorry you hate this stuff...
I know the HD will eventually fail but also knew that this time it hadn't since my first action was to test it on the other pc.
We've had externals at work fail and bring them to a place that does recovery and recopies the files to new hard drives.
This is why I miss my zip drive-those little disks could be used and reused until they couldn't be any more. I could work off them, resave thru any software without going thru my pc first. I did notice that Office Depot sells the disks....I should see if our drives actually still work....
The reason I hate it is because I feel bad for media is so cheap noone should have to go through this.
It's odd you mention ZIP disks--they are so expensive compared to today's options. Assume $5 per disk for .1 or .25 gigabytes of storage depending which disks they are, that's either $50 or $20 per gig. External hard drives are somewhere between 20 cents and a dollar per gig, depending on the drive size and the deal you get.
Also, Flash drives are even getting cheaper than thumbdrives. $20 at LEAST gets you a 2gb, if not a 4 or 8 gig.
All of this math assumes you already have the drive...
The reality of responsible computing is ALL mission-critical or irreplacable data of any value needs to be backed up at least one place, even if it is only a burnt DVD. (currently hovering around .20 cents a gig)
Anyways...troubleshooting from here on out:
1. Test it on another computer. If it works, and your Dell is under warrenty, get your dell serviced, it sounds like you have a USB problem.
2. If it doesn't work on ANY computers, buy an external housing the same size as your drive, open the case, and put the old drive in the new housing...there's a chance that the enclosure could be bad and the drive is fine. This is the same procedure Geek Squad would do if you brought it to them for their $200 data recovery service.