Originally Posted by dlish
Ratbastid - it really hasnt caught on yet here in the middle east yet exactly who the VP nomination for the republicans really is. i presume the media will catch on soon enough and the tide wil turn. i dont think anyone here wants a war mongerer as president, and the religious rhetoric that comes from Palin is disturbing. its unsettling that is McCain does drop dead, then Palin would have no problem picking up the standard and resuming gods war.
what i also did read from what she said was ' vote for me and god will look after you and get you jobs'.
i have no problem with religious people. i do have a problem with religious fanatics bearing their ideologies on others and manipulating it for their own personal gain!
on the other hand, we have Obama, who as much as i admire (from a celebrity level) doesnt seem to really have all that much for me to want to vote for him as an american.
if i were an american, id be scared shitless on the future of my country.
as a person living in the middle east albeit australian, id be scared shitless of the uncertain future of the region
As a US citizen sometimes it's odd living and interacting with another culture. My neighbor lady, who was thrilled when a woman was picked to be a VP nominee, was at my door early this morning. She was holding a newspaper. She told me there must be something wrong with the translation in her paper. Of course my ability to read and comprehend Spanish is extremely limited. She seemed pretty worked up and pointed to the paper and said "this paper says the woman who will be VPOTUS believes God told her to build a pipeline and that she should support the wars in the middle east." After I explained that the woman in question has a good chance to be the VP it's not a done deal. It will either be her or Joe Biden, an election will decide. We sat at my table and over coffee went point by point through her paper. She read and translated the article and I found google and yahoo sources in English to compare. Basically we found articles where Palin stated the wars and the pipeline were all "part of God's plans." She said "I thought once Bush was gone the world would be done with all this crazy "God told me to do it crap." I reminded her she was thrilled about Palin just a few days ago. She said "Yes, but that was before I found out she's a crazy person."