Here is my 75 in early setup. All the plants and fish are wild-caught on or in the San Jacinto river here in houston, mostly native with one introduced plant (
Limnophila heterophylla left of the log). That is except for the cryptocoryne in the front left corner. That one is a holdover from my old tank 10 years ago and has been waiting patiently in a small tank the whole time.
Images are links to fullsize.
Still sparse, but the tank is new and it takes time
I took a landscaping rock and drilled it, then screwed the log to that. It's perfect for catfish. I have a flatter piece outside soaking in a cooler full of water. I don't think I will put it in this tank now, but I might get a 10 gallon w/ stand and put that somewhere outside for the log and some plants.
Camera shy. Two species. One is bluegill, the other looks more cichlid, but I have no idea. Might not be native, but it sure likes the San Jac either way. The one up front is a young bluegill. Funny that he is the smallest and best adapted of all of them.
I need to find some low-lying ground cover, but I can't think of anything native that would work. Same with any type of plant to root on the log. I think I'll have to go beyond the cryptocoryne to other non-native plants. Kinda sux, but I probably won't be keeping the fish either since the wife wants "pretty fish" LOL. Since it is a living room item, I see her point.
Plants so far:
Limnophila heterophylla
Echinodorus cordifolius
Sagittaria gramminea?
Pistia stratiotes
Cryptocoryne sp.
Unknown Bacopa (maybe, @ log)
Oh and unknown Hygrophila (back right corner)