Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Yes, capitalism unchecked could allow a handful of corporate enterprises to hold any country by its balls. Case in point, Oil as it was back then and as it is today. Is then the answer to completely remove any capitalist incentive and deposit total power and control of global assets in government hands for total and complete regulation?
The short answer is no. The longer answer has to do with taking a hard look at what the kind of privatization you are calling for looks like. Take a look at what the IMF, the World Bank and their acolytes from the Chicago School of Economics have done around the world in an attempt to privatize much of the world.
Take a look at how those economies have benefited the few at the expense of the many.
So I would say that no, it isn't about full government control of the economy but it should be about an increased public control through regulation and redistribution (and that doesn't mean robbing Peter to pay Paul... it means using your tax base so that it benefits all). There needs to be more balance to the system and currently the scale has shifted way to far in favour of private organizations and the wealthy.