Originally Posted by dksuddeth
....Host, you invariably place yourself in the position that you so despise by claiming that it's a 'right wing' issue. Do you not realize that this is being done by people with money, right or left, to people with little or no money right or left?
You are unknowingly being part of the problem.
dksuddeth, we agree that power and wealth are overwhelming the wealthless and powerless. Here is what I suspect....and I agree we could debate which side of the political spectrum "the problem" in the US is coming from, but I am persuaded that there is no "left" in the US. It was "purged"....excised from the US political landscape, by the 1950's....
The peril of valuing celebrity over history - The Boston Globe
....Yet, speaking of history, this conjuring of the appearance of opposition where none actually exists has been mandated by the American political system since the onset of the Cold War. The quadrennial political puppet show, highlighting not opposition but its appearance, is essential to keeping the captive-taking war machine running and to inoculating the American people from the viral knowledge that they themselves were first to be captured.
A minimal acquaintance with history, including dissections of American culture already performed by both Sinclairs, would undermine our national complacency. Upton Sinclair, for example, showed the rapaciousness of capitalism, the vampire-like appetite with which it feeds on the blood of human beings. Even with "reforms" ("The Jungle" led to the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration), the profit-worshipping economy to this day eludes controls that would protect majorities of citizens in this country and across the world. Sinclair Lewis, for his part, showed how the simultaneously banalizing methods of capitalist enterprise (false advertising, consumerism, pieties of affluence, amoral bureaucracy) are exactly what that enterprise created to keep from being criticized....
I know Jonah Goldberg's view is very flawed:
Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
I know Amity Shlaes' view is very flawed:
The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression
So....who are these "leftist", powerful, rich, you speak of, in the US? What power do they hold in the political or financial scheme of things, and how are their politics opposite the politics of the Obiden ticket..... one half of which lobbied tirelessly to pass bankruptcy "reform" that benefited MBNA and stabbed the voters of Delaware, and across the USA, in the back. How is Obama, "left of center", with his "choice" of Biden, his vote for telecomm amnesty, legalizing electronic surveillance of Americans with no requirement of evidence of links to terrorism?
At most, Obama is right of center, less to the left than republican president Eisenhower in his tax policy, justification of first use of force, and in his "an enemy of yours, is an enemy or ours...." support for "defending" Israel.
I see no left.....so where is your "both sides" argument coming from, dksuddeth?
Wouldn't "left", have to at least be "left of center", to be considered "left"? I am old enough to remember where the center line was. Eisenhower was closer to straddling the center line than Clinton was.
Does the centerline "move", in relation to how well the "Might Wurlitzer", financed by the Richard Mellon Scaife/CIA/Salem Communications-Council for National Policy, disinformation campaign, performs it's magic....i.e. does the line move with the effect of the brainwashing of the electorate....or is the public opinion simply swept further to the right of a centerline that is more in keeping with a western world view of what is right and what is left?