Originally Posted by ASU2003
You don't think this will get at least 20% of the voters to think, you know McCain would be able to handle this situation much better than Obama?
There's such a pattern of war/conflict and proection of a 'threat' in good neocon/straussian terms to aid one particular side in the run-up to elections - especially during times of economic turbulence - that these kind of conspiratorial thoughts just have to make themselves heard, at least to stop the voices in my head.
For example:
The Falklands:
Britain is aware that the military junta in Argentina are chomping at the bit to take The Falklands/Malvinas, yet mysteriously, in the midst of economic turmoil and record low popularity, Thatcher decides to pull pretty much all of Britain's token force out of the Falklands ('cost savings' - she was warned about what could happen). Signal received by the Junta, invasion, war, victory at high price in lives for Britain, sudden wave of popularity for Thatcher, victory in subsequent elections.
Gulf War I:
Economic problems in the US and the UK, Saddam's men given a nod/wink green light to invade Kuwait over a border dispute that goes back to the ludicrous creation of the Kuwaiti state back in the mists of British Imperial times.
Saddam invades, CRISIS!, war in the run up towards election season, but the rouse doesn't work even though it certainly appeared that Bush I's post-war popularity might carry him through but alas... not this time.
Russia's Chechen 'Terrorism'
Putin looks anything but likely to be elected in the wake of Yeltsin's demise and the chaos of the Russian economy in the late 90's.
Run up to election, bombs go off in Moscow, Chechens blamed, war declared, national security emergency, Putin wins handsomely - with a free hand to start his campaign of media castration.
Iraq 2004
Economic turbulence, leadership in need of anything to distract from their own incompetence, phoney war vs incredibly weak opponents, 'poor' decisions lengthen the crisis, national security/militarism craze/paranoia, slim victory for the forces of war.
US proxy launches an attack versus the old enemy, sparking memories and fears of a return to something like the cold war, just as the incumbent war party is struggling somewhat.
I wonder how this one plays out in the end, I'm pretty sure there are a few more acts to come in this spectacular play.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering about the Strauss reference:
Leo Strauss (he's heavily referenced in The Power Of Nightmares: