Originally Posted by ratbastid
I think he's rational, intelligent,
Couldn't word it any better. Rational and intelligent. Oh, and has common sense. Something we have been sorely lacking in our administration for years and years and years.
To be honest, if Ron Paul was the Republican candidate he would "inspire" me, and would have my vote no questions asked. But that's not the case. There are a few things I slightly disagree with with Obama, but there is about the same amount of things I STRONGLY disagree with with McCain and Palin's approach. I don't need a person in power mandating their moral beliefs as mine. I also don't need "a change in the liberal Washington of today" as I see the administration of today as a religious conservative nutjob. I want the pendulum to swing away from that. Our government is setup to balance itself out. That is what I feel we are in the process of doing. Balancing ourselves from the last 8 years.