Originally Posted by ratbastid
Look, there's the idealistic flowers-and-fairy-dust view of love that there's one magic perfect person out there who will never ever ever piss you off. Dream land. That's just not going to happen where human beings are involved.
Accepting that, knowing it, and developing a relationship that's strong enough to weather it is NOT the same thing as settling.
Bingo. It's not settling when I know my wife has a vastly lower sex drive than I do. It's knowing that, coming to terms with it, and working through it together. Same with my background baggage. I never settled, she never settled - we knew full well what we were getting into and were just fine with that.
If you spend your days looking for the perfect person, and dropping the ones you find because of flaws and you think you might be settling like a civil suit, you'll lead a very lonely existence. When you find the right one, flaws make the person more attractive (to me anyways). Little things like that scar on her forehead or if she can't cook worth a damn but she sure tries hard, make her even cuter. That's just an example BTW, my wife does have a scar on her forehead, but she cooks like a goddess.