i watched some pf the palin show, but decided that it was more stupid than project runway, so decided to watch that instead. i don't understand what's happened to me. i would have looked for you, shakran, but i wouldn't have known who to look for, and the idea of staring intently at shots of a crowd of republicans was not pleasant.
what is saw--and what i read today--made it clear that she's not a candidate who would have any appeal outside the rightwing populist base of the republican party. and the outline of her arguments, such as they were, conformed to the tidbits provided the other day by mc-cain's campaign manager concerning their strategy--not about issues, but about personalities, image---so ((i'll write this again)) what the republicans want is to make this a contest of political machine as over against political machine. they're betting that as obama's campaign drifts center and more onto television, the momentum he was able to generate in galvanizing new voters will dissipate.
i think the election is obama's to loose.
one thing that palin's speech made REALLY clear to me is that i hope his campaign does not fuck up and loose it.
because machine vs machine, it could easily happen.
drill baby drill
drill baby drill
tear that mother out.
o yeah.
great slogan.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite