but what ace outlines is the way in which this question has been stood on its head in recent times, thanks again to conservative ideology. this because, you see, private property is more important in at least some areas of conservativeland than is the legal apparatus which enables it, than is the consent of a polity implied by it. private property trumps the right to protest every time. this is the central rationale for the creation of these farcical "free speech zones"----and for the "whaddya talking about" from conservatives when it's problematic character is raised.
for conservatives, the political is a narrow category--except of course when it comes to themselves, in which case anything goes---but in general it is a narrow category. noisy hippies get to complain about the goings-on which involve the holders of the Sacrosanct (propetry, capital) from a distance, away from the spaces of power.
welcome to america, the world's leading fake democracy, where the content of democratic process is so hollowed out that most folk don't even recognize that here "democracy" is a word and nothing else.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite