Originally Posted by aceventura3
In your view does the rights of protesters trump the rights of private property owners?
That's really not the issue. All of the protests I've ever been involved in have occurred on public property; a closed off street, a sidewalk. Such is the case at the RNC. There is plenty of sidewalk between the free speech zone and the entrance that they should be able to protest on, but can't because the First Amendment has been replaced with heightened security.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Do city and local governments have the right to limit or restrict how public property is used by the public?
To a certain extent, yes, but when that extent is intended to quell free speech, I'm sure we can all agree that the government has overstepped it's authority.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Does protective public services have an obligation to intervene when the behavior of citizens is disruptive or unsafe?
Free speech zones have nothing to do with a theoretical safety.