Originally Posted by aceventura3
Second, how many Senators do we have?
Ace, there are 2 senators for every state. If you look carefully at the table on the page you cite,
Open Secrets Net Worth ranking of senators, 2006, Biden is ranked 108 because many senators are tied for 99th position, etc.
Also, if you read the methodology explanation at the top of the page,
Originally Posted by Open Secrets
To calculate net worth, shown here, CRP added together the lawmaker's range of assets and then subtracted their range of liabilities. We then calculate the midpoint of the resulting range and use this figure to rank the filers. Using this method provides a ranking that more closely reflects reality than using either the minimum or maximum values.
... it explains that they included assets and liabilities in their calculations. While I am not up to par on the details of Biden's finances (it could also include debts, such as a mortgage, etc), I think it is clear that he is far from being one of the wealthiest senators out there, at least as of 2 years ago. For me, excessive wealth is more of a problem than the other extreme... and given your earlier criticism of Biden as riding around in jets and living the privileged life (and I appreciate your admitting that you were wrong about that, btw)--I would think you'd agree with me, and not see his low net worth as a problem.
-----Added 4/9/2008 at 12 : 35 : 39-----
Originally Posted by ratbastid
ace, on behalf of the universe, I officially apologize for the existence of facts that are inconsistent with your world-view. I know, it's very rude.
rat... c'mon, is that necessary?
-----Added 4/9/2008 at 02 : 04 : 03-----
Originally Posted by abaya
And here I stand corrected as well...
There are 108 senators on that list because it was an election year, so you have the incumbent who stayed on, the incumbents who left/lost, and the newly added senators all at the same time. There was never more than 100 at the same time, but several senate seats changed that year.