There's a ton of information to be had on the internet. It's impossible to see an event from every angle so we're forced to filter what we do see and this is what's actually hurting us. When we filter out what we don't want to see, we filter out world views that don't conform to out own views and this puts us in a tiny bubble with like minded people and we end up "preaching to the choir," so to speak. It's not just Internet vs Real world. We can't even comprehend the vastness of the internet. Digg, Fark, These sites are netting tons and tons of visitors per day yet they're just a drop of water in a pond. There's completely separate worlds on the internet.
It's not that we're being controlled. We almost have too much control. Like you said, We're pulling the wool over our eyes. If we aren't exposed to different views, we'll never change. We have to go out of our way to expose ourselves to these things even if we don't like what we're being shown at first glance. When I first got on the internet, it wasn't exactly easy to find information. There was no Google, Digg, Fark or anything else. If I wanted to discuss something, I'd hop on IRC and find an active channel and start chatting about whatever. This is what shaped my world views. I couldn't filter out what I didn't like. I read everything that crossed the screen. Now, I'm in my little bubble, listening to my echo...
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry