Like jewels said, she prioritized, and she decided your relationship was not a priority. I've been in her shoes before. They're not the most comfortable. It's a hard decision to come to, but I can't say I blame her for making it, looking at where you both are in life.
Look at this as a chance to learn and grow. You'll be off to uni in a while where there will be loads of new people to meet and get to know. Throw yourself into that. This is a chance for you to work on who you are as an individual, to improve yourself, to focus solely on you.
And I hate to say it, but you're young. You don't want to go into university tied down. You want to be free to have fun and explore--things that are hard to do if you've already got a girlfriend. I had a boyfriend back home my first couple months at college--needless to say, it didn't last. The tying down stuff can come later, but you're entering a part of your life that's full of new and exciting things, where it's good to be free. Really.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau