I became pregnant with my first daughter shortly after the
Adam Walsh case scared the hell out of everyone.
The concept of something terrible happening to one's child had never occurred to me, as a young mother, and this country was now struggling to come to terms with the possibility and how we could protect our children. First-time parents are often overprotective anyway, so add on this new struggle with how to protect our kids from potential predators. It seemed a legit concern to all at the time.
I didn't have any other children until nine years later and, being much older and wiser
was a little more lax. Theses kids were taught to be aware and alert from toddlerhood, but I knew I couldn't allow them to live in fear. I think this can be accomplished by
not sheltering them from reality, so that they too can learn and respect what you've taught them, as opposed to living in fear.
When the kids are small, I'm behind the no-names-on-backpacks philosophy, but only because often they walk to or from school alone or in twos.
I have a new neighbor who comes into my yard and chats with me sometimes. I've commented that I can see his kids through the windows sometimes but that I'd love to meet his wife and kids. He says he doesn't want them outside because his wife has allergies and he doesn't want the kids to suffer like her.
Overprotecting those you love doesn't do a thing for anyone.