Originally Posted by ratbastid
Well actually... Life IS meaningless. There's no meaning "out there" to "find".
It's up to each of us to create the meaning.
I kind of agree with that statement. You generally get out what you put into it. But I do believe there is inherent value to life, if not absolute meaning.
-----Added 3/9/2008 at 11 : 29 : 39-----
Originally Posted by jewels
This is not to suggest that if you befriend someone and find they're a complete drain of energy, you shouldn't back out. But when I've bowed out of friendships, I never looked at it as though I was waiting for a return on my investment (time, caring, etc.).
Giving will occur naturally on all sides of a healthy relationship. You do get what you give. On the other hand, if it's not healthy, it should end. Expectations creeping into a relationship can often destroy it. We need to expect more of ourselves, not of others.
I completely agree. I think the problem with communication here is that I don't meet people with the "agenda" that I will have a friend. I ease into social interactions with people, and if they turn out to be friends, then lucky me. If they are good people, otherwise, I will socialize with them, and even try my best to help out as I can. If they suck as human beings, I will have very little to do with them, if possible. I think people are kind of arguing semantics about my previous statements. My communications skills are better suited for the spoken medium, I'm afraid.